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The Virtual Symposium week exposed you to many different thoughts and ideas with respect to digital learning environments. In Unit 2, you will focus on understanding participatory cultures, digital literacies, and on what it means to create a digital presence and identity. Questions of what, why, how, and for whom will be examined. The unit begins with a discussion of digital identities and design considerations surrounding digital presence. We will discuss the resident-visitor typology and you will identify your use of technology as it applies to this typology. In this Unit, you will begin to build your digital identity through the creation of your own WordPress site which you will actively use throughout your program.

Learning Activities and Assignments

  • Continue to create your WordPress site.
  • Review your reflection written from Week 1 the Virtual Symposium, edit it and post it as your first blog post.
  • Join in the Synchronous Session Week 3 to discuss feedback on your blog posts. See Course Schedule for timing.
  • Read the Unit 2 readings and analyze the resident-visitor typology.
  • Map your use of technologies as it pertains to the resident-visitor typology.
  • Begin Assignment 1: Create, Cultivate, and Reflect on your Digital Presence:
    • Review and analyze scholarly and popular literature on digital presence and identity;
    • Create a plan to support the cultivation of your digital presence and digital identity throughout the program; and
    • Provide feedback to peers on their proposed plan.
  • Participate in interactive discussions and contribute to your colleagues blogs

Let’s get started!

Unit 2 Readings

Read Unit 2 readings and reflect on the impact structures such as (groups, nets, sets, communities, collectives) have on your plan for the creation of your digital presence and digital identity. Consider these readings as you move forward into the Unit 2 activities and draw on them (and others) to support your decisions as you begin to create your digital identity and digital presence plan.

For those of you who are new to academic reading and writing, this article How to Read a Journal Article (average reading time = 20 min) has some wonderful tips to get you started.

Unit 2 – Activity 1 | Create your own WordPress site

You have now been provided with access to your own instance of WebSpace powered by WordPress for you to customize and make your own throughout the program. This week you need to spend some time setting up your WordPress site and giving some thought to the digital presence and digital identity you would like to cultivate as a graduate student, and you even have your first blog post! Remember, your academic voice and your critical academic blogging will be different than perhaps the blogging you are used to or have experienced. Here is an overview of critical academic writing   and a resource on academic blogging to get you started – no doubt you will find more resources as you go. Think of your blog posts as critical academic reflection where you are analyzing and synthesizing as you make connections between theory and practice. Don’t forget to explore the resources on the RRU Writing Centre as well.

For more information on Creative Commons licensing see as well as the session from the 2018 MALAT Virtual Symposium

Clint Lalonde Topic: Sharing and CC licensing  

Link to Recorded Session

(0:00 – 58:20)
*please note we had some technical issues happen during this session so the video and audio may be slightly out of synch.

Unit 2 – Activity 2 | Map your use of technology as it pertains to the resident-visitor typology

It’s now your turn to map your use of digital technologies as it pertains to the resident-visitor typology. You task is to create a conceptual map of your use. Examples of maps created by others can be found at Visitors and Residents Maps padlet.

As you can see there are many different way to create such a map. You could create a digital map using an illustration software of your choice or you could create this map on paper. To get started, we suggest watching this video: Just the Mapping in which Dave White, one of the authors of the paper describing the visitor-resident typology, goes through the mapping process himself.

Once you are happy with your map, please post a copy of it and a 100 – 200 word description explaining your map to others on your blog. If you created a map on paper, please take a picture of it and share the image.

Comment on at least one other person’s map ether to ask clarifying questions or to note issues of interest.

Now take a moment to consider an alternative tension pair presented by Dave Cormier. Does it bring new insight to your conceptual map generated by the resident/visitor tension pair above? Post your thoughts on your course blog.

Unit 2 – Activity 3 | Begin Assignment 1: Create, Cultivate, and Reflect on your Digital Presence (Individual)

  1. Review and analyze scholarly and popular literature on digital presence and identity through the Unit 2 readings
  2. Create a plan to support the cultivation of your digital presence and digital identity throughout the program. This plan should include many of the following areas:
    • your overall goal and purpose for cultivating your digital presence and identity;
    • your approach for achieving this goal;
    • identification of skills, knowledge gaps
    • strategies and approaches to address the identified gaps;
    • measure(s) of success
  3. Post your DIDP plan to your blog
  4. Provide feedback to two peers on their proposed plan by posting a comment on their blog
  5. Becoming comfortable giving and receiving feedback on our ideas and our writing is part of the learning journey of a graduate program. See the RRU TeamWork resource Five Steps to Conversational Feedback to help you with this activity.




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