Hello Everyone,
It is very hard to believe that we are in week 6 of this course already. Time is flying by and I am so pleased with the activity I have seen from most of you in terms of posting to the discussion forum and putting deep thought into your course project. This week is a lighter week in terms of content, so perhaps an opportunity to catch up on readings and ideas. Please complete your Team projects and hand them in by end of day Wednesday, July 17. A reminder that part of your course grade depends on regular posting to discussion forums in a timely manner. This means posting by the middle of the week indicated in the course schedule, then reading posts and adding to the discussion by the end of the week. You will not gain points for posting if you post long after the conversation is ended!
A reminder, if you need an extension on an assessment, you must connect with me prior to the due date. If you do not connect with me, I will have to apply the late policy. I don't like applying the late policy!
Please let me know any and all ways I can support your work as you move through the next four weeks. We have a Zoom session on Tuesday, July 23, please come prepared with questions and ideas to share with others about your individual projects and needs.
Here was the advice I shared earlier in the course about discussion forum postings:
Understanding that you are all busy humans, please review the list below and consider where and when you will be active in the discussion forums. You must participate fully (an original post, asking and answering peer questions) in at least 5 of the 7 unit activities to complete the requirements for Contributions to the Learning Community (worth 15% of your final grade). As this is your primary channel for supporting each other and demonstrating your comprehension of readings and tasks, it is a core part of your coursework over the 9 weeks.
Unit 3 - Activity 1 - The Value of Reflection (Blog post) is a required component of your contribution
Choose four additional activities from the options below and ensure you review the tasks in the respective units.
Unit 1
Activity 1 - Design Thinking and Alternative Human-Centred Design Frameworks
Activity 2 - Framing a Problem of Practice
Activity 3 - Empathy Methods: Learning from Users
Unit 2
Activity 1 - Theory-Informed Learning Design
Activity 2 - Evaluating Technology for Digital Resources
Activity 3 - Optional Exploration of OER