Hello Everyone!
Welcome to Week 7. This is the final week of Unit 2 and the week of building for Assignment 3 design process details. I have provided you with a few examples of Assignment 3 so you can get an idea of the frame I want to see in terms of how you describe your design thinking processes, the learning theories that you feel are aligned with your work, any technology frameworks, and a draft of your actual content. The same is true of Assignment 4, you should be able to see the examples of finished learning products.
The rubrics for Assignments 3 and 4 are also a great place to consider the details of how I might grade.
Assignment 4 is meant to be fully developed learning, what you would put in front of learners. I'll give you much more feedback on Assignment 3 than I will on Assignment 4. Please feel encouraged to share your draft work with a peer if feedback helps you!
We have an optional Zoom meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, July 23 at 9pm PDT. Please bring your Assignment 3 questions, ideas, and support for peers with you. I'm happy to walk through details with you!