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Will Digital Facilitation Be Automated?

Image attributed to Dall-e AI using the following prompt:”Photo realistic image of a corporate trainer facilitating an online class. They are smiling at the camera on the laptop in front of them, gesturing with their hands showing they are excited about what they are teaching, and holding themselves confidently. They are working from an internet […]

Preparing for Virtual Facilitation

What advice would I have for a new facilitator preparing to teach their first virtual class? I’ve put together the following infographic for my Digital Facilitation class (LRNT 528) based on readings from Team Yellow’s facilitation week as well as my own virtual facilitation experience. I look forward to hearing your feedback on the below! […]

Diving into AR and VR in Digital Learning

Interacting with Nina, an Augmented Reality avatar in a conversation simulation using InStage. This past week I had a chance to explore an online learning opportunity facilitated by my classmates Matt Poole, Tracy Tang, and Tracy Whatmore all about AI, AR (Augmented Reality), and VR (Virtual Reality) and how these technologies can be applied to […]

Revised Lesson Plan – Team Blue

Hello again from Team Blue! (Leona, Ano, and Andrea) Based on the feedback we recieved we have made some updates below. Here is what you will be able to expect during our facilitation week. In the interest of open and reflective learning we have highlighted or struck-out the changes we have made since our draft […]

Project Training with a Community of Inquiry Focus in Corporate L&D

In my practice as an Senior Learning Strategist (Senior Instructional Designer) on a corporate learning team, I recently wrapped-up a six-month software implementation project. In the first phase of this project (phase two will be launching it in our US office!) I was responsible for all elements of the learning cycle, from stakeholder engagement, to […]

Lesson Plan – Team Blue

Hello from Team Blue! (Leona, Ano, and Andrea) During our facilitation week [insert dates], we will be guiding the class as we explore the following question:  How can digital learning facilitators leverage emerging technologies such as iterative AI, chatbots, machine learning, and virtual facilitation to act as their facilitation personal assistants to simplify, automate, and […]