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Revisiting my 3-2-1 Blog on Digital Facilitation

In my initial blog post about digital facilitation, I had three thoughts: Reflecting on my experience in this course as a learner and facilitator, I still agree with these points. The synchronous sessions were particularly valuable, where we gathered to discuss our thoughts and experiences with the week’s topic. They underscored the importance of community […]

Reflecting on Exploring AR/VR Tools for Team Yellow

Before starting this week, I had a basic understanding of AR from using it with a preschool group; my knowledge of AR and VR tools has been further developed with the help of Team Yellow’s activities, where we explored different tools. Dick (2021) outlined many other ways that AR or VR can be used in […]

Facilitation Plan Draft – Using AI as a Digital Resource Assistant for Facilitators

By Catherine McFee and Marni Russell In preparation for Team Green’s facilitation week, Catherine and Marni met to brainstorm and plan an engaging learning experience for our participants. The unit content focuses on learning to use AI as a Digital Resource Assistant to determine best facilitation practices.  Learning Objective To use AI to support facilitation […]

CoI in K12 Professional Development

The CoI framework was developed to underscore the connection between three presences: teaching, social, and cognitive. Its primary goal is to cultivate ‘an engaged online learning community’ (Dunlap & Lowenthal, 2018, p.81). Using the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework, this infographic will provide strategies to help K12 teachers integrate technology into the classroom from an […]

3-2-1 Into Digital Facilitation 

3 Initial Thoughts  In my initial thoughts, I discussed the similarities between in-person and online teaching. I still have some questions I would like to explore as I go through this course, especially regarding how to use these skills in a K12 setting.  2 questions 1 Metaphor  Through reading about digital facilitation, a metaphor that […]