While you are still facilitating and participating in Assignment Two, I know many of you are already thinking about Assignment 4.
Things to know:
The paper is due on Oct 20 at midnight (unless you are in Team Green). As it is your final paper for the course, I will be adhering to the program policy of deducting 10% per day for late submissions. Extensions will only be granted in extenuating circumstances and when communicated in advance of the due date.
Please pay close attention to the assessment criteria, it is nuanced. For example, notice under Reflective Connections, the difference between Excellent and Satisfactory is one word - exhaustive vs. numerous.
I am happy to give limited feedback on a draft or in response to specific questions. I would mostly be able to respond within 24 hours and certainly within 48.
I am very much looking forward to reading your papers!
And now, back to Team Orange’s week!