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As part of your work towards completing Assignment 2, you will undertake a peer review for two of your colleagues. Your colleagues will provide a grade of your review of their work based on the rubric below.

Peer Review Activity

For the Peer Review portion of Assignment 2, you will:

  1. provide a draft of your theoretical framework section (or a portion of it if it is longer than a couple of paragraphs) and why it is a ‘good’ choice; and
  2. provide a draft section (2-3 paragraphs) from your literature review.

This will be posted in the Forum for Peer Review of theoretical framework and part of literature review on Moodle and should be no more than 500 words (not including references). You will critique the work of two people; in turn, two other people will review your work. Based on this critique activity, you will then make adjustments to your own draft, incorporating the peer feedback that you received. Please refer to the schedule to confirm when your 500 word post is due to be posted and when your response to the colleagues assigned to you is due back to them. Please use the criteria below to provide feedback to your peers’ work. For example, you should comment on content, structure and organisation, writing style, and APA and formatting.

Peer Evaluation

Once the peer review activity is complete, you will assess the contribution that each of your peer reviewers made to your work using the Peer Review Template and the rubric below. Once you have completed your assessment of each person, please submit your assessment of the two peers who reviewed your work to the Peer Evaluation dropbox in Moodle.

Value: 10%


Offered specific constructive feedback on the content of the draft Excellent
(A+ to A)
(A- to B+)
(B to B-)
Content Offered specific constructive feedback on the content of the draft Offered mostly constructive feedback on the content of the draft Offered some constructive feedback on the content of the draft Did not offer constructive feedback on the content of the draft
Structure and organisation Offered specific constructive feedback on the structure and organisation of the draft. Offered mostly constructive feedback on the structure and organisation of the draft. Offered some constructive feedback on the structure and organisation of the draft. Did not offer constructive feedback on the structure and organisation of the draft.
Writing style Offered specific constructive feedback on the writing style of the draft Offered mostly constructive feedback on the writing style of the draft Offered some constructive feedback on the writing style of the draft Did not offer constructive feedback on the writing style of the draft
APA and formatting Offered specific constructive feedback on APA and formatting of the draft Offered mostly constructive feedback on APA and formatting of the draft Offered some constructive feedback on APA and formatting of the draft Did not offer constructive feedback on APA and formatting of the draft