Teaching in Another Culture

Since April this year, I’ve had a radical change in my job responsibilities.  I’ve travelled to 16 different cities, mostly for work, some for pleasure.  This constant movement from Edson, Alberta to Mexico City has given me a pretty unique opportunity to...

Reflections on starting a movement.

Wow!  I cannot believe that we are done our first course, LRNT 521. If you’re interesting in hearing my reflections about working to become a digital participant and content creator, please follow the link below. I chose to use Screencast-o-matic to capture my...

My Internet Plan Video

As soon as the video is uploaded, I will post a link here: Just waiting for the upload so check back in a few hours. Password is: internet plan

Reflections of a Digital Content Creator – Video Diary

Below is my synopsis of the journey I have begun as a MALAT student. It is not the flashiest as far as production values are concerned, but echoes much what my fellow MALATers have already said. I will be interested to look back on this video in a year’s time to...

A Reflection on The Plan

Well, it’s been a whirlwind number of weeks as we progressed through LRNT 521, and I’ve learned a lot about my own limits and what I am comfortable sharing with the general public online.  I never considered myself all that private until I was challenged...