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Instructor Posts

One more thing…

by Loni Davis.  Hi All,We will probably have 20+ minutes or so left after Deborah Zhornes joins our Huddle for 30+ minutes tomorrow.  So please bring any questions you might be mulling over in completing Assignment #3 and we can discuss.

Introduction to Unit 3

by Loni Davis.  Hi Everyone,Please review the brief podcast below which introduces our work in Unit 3:Here also, is the link to the Google Sheet where you can put your name next to the 2 articles you have selected for Assignment 3  (be sure to sel…

Re Assignment Two A

by Loni Davis.  Hi Everyone,I’m looking forward to receiving your Assignment Two A by the end of today.  I wanted to have you please note that your annotations should not have any citations to the author (unless you include a direct quote which is…