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Course Learning Outcome (Related Program Learning Outcomes) Assessment Criteria
Course Learning Outcome A
(Program Learning Outcomes: 1,2,3,4,6,10)
Critically examine various design models and approaches used in the creation of digital learning environments
  • Identifies appropriate instructional design models for the context;
  • Examines the role of instructional design in the use of emerging media historically through to current;
  • Discusses the development of design thinking to enhance empathetic understanding within the lens of social justice;
  • Presents evidence of the ability to analyze and synthesize multiple theories and models of design and instruction;
Course Learning Outcome B
(Program Learning Outcomes: 2,4,5,6,10)
Critically analyze user needs and experiences for digital learning
  • Identifies and critiques learner assessment, needs assessment, and empathetic design;
  • Analyzes and develops appropriate design solutions to a problem;
Course Learning Outcome C
(Program Learning Outcomes: 1,3,5,8,10)
Explain how innovation impacts the design of learning environments
  • Analyzes a case study that illustrates the continuum of an innovation;
  • Critiques a digital learning environment innovation design;
  • Synthesizes the impact of an innovation on learning;
Course Learning Outcome D
(Program Learning Outcomes: 1,2,3,5,6,8,10)
Propose a design solution to a problem
  • Creates a design solution appropriate for the context;
  • Critically reflects on the design thinking process and develops design principles to guide design and innovation;