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During this course, you will begin cultivating and reflecting on your digital presence. There are two parts to this assignment. For Assignment 1 Part 1 you asked to undertake the following:

  • create a personal blog,
  • cultivate your presence online using platforms of your choice (e.g., Twitter, LinkedIn),
  • contribute content to your blog and other technologies on an on-going basis,
  • connect and network with professionals,
  • create a personal workflow for managing and attending to information,

The final deliverable for this assignment (Assignment 1 Part 2) is a maximum 2,000 word (including in-text citations and block quotations used; excluding the reference list) critical academic reflective paper based on your experience of becoming an Internet contributor and content creator. See the RoyalRoads Writing Centre for resources on critical academic reflective writing.

The activities done throughout the course may provide you with examples to draw from to inform your position, discussion and critical reflection. Specifically, Assignment 1 Part 2 asks you to critically reflect on the process and products that emerged as you cultivated your digital identity and digital presence throughout LRNT 521. Specifically,

  • What tensions did you face?
  • What decisions did you make, and why? Based on what evidence?
  • What aspects of your personal and professional life impacted your decisions, and why? Based on what evidence?
    • For example, how does your current position impact your choice of technologies to use and what you contribute to your blog or Twitter account?
  • How did the readings and activities undertaken in the course influence, guide and impact the decisions you made about creating and evolving your digital identity and presence?

You are expected to incorporate APA standards for citations, formatting, and references and to back up your writing with evidence and appropriate academic literature as necessary. You are required to pay attention to grammar and clarity and to avoid colloquialisms.

This assignment allows you to provide evidence in support of meeting the following course learning outcomes:

  • CLO A – Create a digital presence and cultivate a digital identity
  • CLO B – Identifies various organizational features of digital learning environments
  • CLO D – Identify the impact of networks and communities on cultures, organizations and society.

Value: 30%

Submit: to your blog and other web services on an ongoing basis.

Submit: the final deliverable (the critical academic reflective paper and supporting evidence as appendices) to the Assignment 1 Part 2 dropbox in Moodle.


Course Learning Outcome/Assessment Criteria Excellent
(A+ to A)
(A- to B+)
(B to B-)
Citation and APA format All citations and APA format are correct. Most citations and APA formatting are correct. Some citations and APA formatting are correct. Few citations and APA formatting are correct.
Style, Grammar, Spelling All aspects of grammar and spelling are correct. Most aspects of grammar and spelling are correct. Some aspects of grammar and spelling are correct. Significant spelling and grammar errors.
Identifies terms and concepts important digital identity and digital presence. All relevant terms and concepts are clearly identified and defined. Relevant terms and concepts are mostly identified and defined. Relevant terms and concepts are somewhat identified and defined. Relevant terms and concepts are not identified or defined.
Organisation and flow Reflection begins with an overall summary and flows seamlessly using section transitions as needed. Paper is clearly structured and is well organized to support understanding and follow main points and sequence of ideas. Reflection organization is askew with sections not proceeding in an organized, logical pattern. The reader can periodically follow the main points of the argument or sequence of ideas. Reflection organization needs significant improvement. Missing transitions lead to blocky sections. Or reflection is written as bullets or other non-prose style. It is difficult for the reader to follow the main points of the argument or sequence of ideas. Reflection not organized in a way that the reader can make sense of the author’s position or arguments.
Position statement The author’s overall position is clearly stated in the first paragraph. Position is unclearly stated. Position is both unclear and confusing. Reflection does not include a position.
Content Reflection is thoughtful and original. It demonstrates excellent development of each idea and focuses on relevant details and a synthesis of pertinent research. Reflection is either not thoughtful or not original. Reflection contains adequate development of ideas, but will benefit from more research/support or from more specific development of relevant points. Responses to sample prompts are short, and the areas of discussion do not represent intentional, synthesized thought. The reflection has some development but lacks sufficient discussion or contains irrelevant details that do not yet develop a clear sense of purpose. Additional support for relevant ideas and a synthesis of pertinent research is required. The reflection needs more details on every level, and lacks relevance and originality.
Analysis Statements are backed by relevant evidence from the literature and information is analyzed, discussed, summarized and applied in context, not just stated. Supporting information is summarized but not synthesized/connected with other perspectives. Synthesis is minimal or lacking. Supportive information is stated and not summarized or backed by supporting evidence from the literature. Information is stated but lacks relevance and connection to the position statement. Statements are not backed by evidence from the literature.