Assignment Context
Your workplace is undergoing some new and exciting changes with respect to digital learning environments but it is early days. You have been asked by your very new senior decision maker to create a briefing note about digital learning environments specific to an issue (chosen by you) that will enable them to come up to speed quickly on the main points, approaches and considerations that need to be contemplated as your organization moves forward in relation to this topic. You are not completely sure how well-informed your senior decision maker is in this area and, because you cannot assume any previous knowledge, you decide to supplement the briefing note with an appendix that contains a supporting background document.
For this assignment, you are required to (a) select an area/topic of interest and (b) write a briefing note describing whether and how digital learning environments, networks, or communities may impact your topic. Your topic may or may not be sector-specific, and the topics are endless. Some examples may be:
- The impact of online social networks on teachers’ just-in-time professional development.
- The impact of digital learning environments on the education pursuits of remote communities.
- Is YouTube an effective teacher?
- What role is there for digital communities in workplace learning?
Your briefing note should include the following:
- an overview of the issue being examined
- background information
- assessment of the current situation and key concerns
- identification of impact on learning, teaching, or education; and
- recommendations/considerations for moving forward.
Your briefing note must be a maximum of 1000 words. This includes any in-text citations and block quotations used but does not include your reference list. The supporting appendix background document must be a maximum of 1,500 words including any in-text citations and block quotations used but excluding its reference list, for a document total of 2,500 words. You are expected to adhere to APA standards for citations, formatting, and references and to support your statements with appropriate academic literature.
Be sure to review the FAQ of responses to common questions on this briefing note assignment and reach out if you have a question that is not covered.
Your briefing note will become part of a wikibook examining the impact of digital learning environments, networks, and communities. You can see the briefing notes from previous course participants here. Please note they represent a range of styles and approaches to the assignment and were assessed accordingly. Ensure you take time to review the assignment descriptions and requirements as well as the rubric it will be assessed against prior to beginning your work.
Value: 30%
Submit: to the Assignment 3 dropbox in Moodle and upload it to the google doc under the 2024 Briefing Notes heading. The resulting google collaborative book will be something that you can share more broadly if you wish and those coming behind you can add to and extend upon.
Course Learning Outcome/Assessment Criteria | Excellent (A+ to A) |
Proficient (A- to B+) |
Satisfactory (B to B-) |
Unsatisfactory (F) |
Citation and APA format | All citations and APA format are correct. | Most citations and APA formatting are correct. | Some citations and APA formatting are correct. | Few citations and APA formatting are correct. |
Style, Grammar, Spelling | All aspects of grammar and spelling are correct. | Most aspects of grammar and spelling are correct. | Some aspects of grammar and spelling are correct. | Significant spelling and grammar errors. |
Identifies terms and concepts important digital identity and digital presence. | All relevant terms and concepts are clearly identified and defined. | Relevant terms and concepts are mostly identified and defined. | Relevant terms and concepts are somewhat identified and defined. | Relevant terms and concepts are not identified or defined. |
Organisation and flow | Briefing note style of writing is consistently used and the document flows seamlessly using section transitions as needed. Briefing note is clearly structured and is well organized to support understanding and follow main points and sequence of ideas. | Briefing note style of writing is inconsistently used; organization is askew with sections not proceeding in an organized, logical pattern. The reader can periodically follow the main points of the argument or sequence of ideas. | Organization needs significant improvement. Missing transitions lead to blocky sections. Or reflection is written as bullets or other non-prose style. It is difficult for the reader to follow the main points of the argument or sequence of ideas and is not representative of briefing note writing style. | Briefing note is not organized in a way that the reader can make sense of the author’s position or arguments. |
Position statement | The author’s overall position is clearly stated. Defines the issue(s) clearly and concisely with enough background information so that the reader can make an informed decision. | Position is unclearly stated Issue(s) are somewhat clearly defined but would benefit from further clarify. Some background information is provided in order for the reader to make an informed decision but more work here would be helpful. | Position is both unclear and confusing. | Briefing note does not include a position. The issue(s) is not defied clearly and concisely with enough background information so that the reader can make an informed decision or is missing entirely. |
Content | Briefing note and supporting document is thoughtful and original. It demonstrates excellent development of each idea and focuses on relevant details and a synthesis of pertinent research. Critically evaluates information and evidence and presents various perspectives. Documented criticisms are discussed. | Briefing note and supporting document is either not thoughtful or not original. It contains adequate development of ideas, but will benefit from more research/support or from more specific development of relevant points. Responses to sample prompts are short, and the areas of discussion do not represent intentional, synthesized thought. Discussing documented criticism and providing additional perspectives strengthen this work | The briefing note and supporting document has some development but lacks sufficient discussion or contains irrelevant details that do not yet develop a clear sense of purpose. Little if any documented criticisms are discussed and minimal alterative perspectives are shared. Additional support for relevant ideas and synthesis of pertinent research is required. | The briefing note and supporting document needs more details on every level, and lacks relevance and originality. There is no critical evaluation of information provided and documented criticisms are not discussed. |
Analysis | Statements used and points made are backed by evidence from the literature and information is discussed, not just stated. Social learning organizational structures are compared and contrasted. Identifies the key concerns/impacts and connects them to the options and recommendations in a way that evidences synthesis of the theories, models and issues of digital learning environments discussed in class. | Statements used and points made may sometimes be backed but evidence from the literature. Supporting information is summarized but not synthesized/connected with other perspectives. Synthesis is minimal or lacking. Some key concerns/impacts are identified. Little connection between concerns/impacts and the options and recommendations provided and the theories, models and issues of digital learning environments discussed in class. | Supportive information is stated and not summarized or backed by supporting evidence from the literature. Few concerns/impacts are identified and minimal connection between concerns/impacts and the options and recommendations is provided. Little connection to the theories, models and issues of digital learning environments discussed in class. | Information is stated but lacks relevance and connection to the position statement. Statements are not backed by evidence from the literature. No identification of the key con and minimal connection between concerns/impacts and the options and recommendations is provided. Little connection to the theories, models and issues of digital learning environments discussed in class. |