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Course Learning Outcome
(Related Program Learning Outcomes)
Assessment Criteria
Course Learning Outcome A
(Program Learning Outcomes: 1, 4, 7)
Assessment Criteria
Create a digital presence and cultivate a digital identity
  • Creates and manages a personal website.
  • Creates and manages profile(s) on social media.
  • Demonstrates digital literacies.
  • Identifies terms and concepts important to digital learning environments, networks, communities.
  • Demonstrates appropriate writing for context and audience.
  • Creates a plan for developing a digital presence and digital identity.
  • Organizes content coherently and concisely; it is easy for the reader to identify main points and follow the sequence of ideas.
  • Contributes to dialogue using a variety of social learning tools and responds to questions and feedback from class members, sharing information to advance the collective knowledge of the team and/or class and/or broader audience.
Course Learning Outcome B
(Program Learning Outcomes: 3, 4)
Assessment Criteria
Identify various organizational features of digital learning environments
  • Identifies terms and concepts associated with organizational structures for digital learning.
  • Compares and contrasts organizational features of digital learning environments.
  • Discusses topics associated with organizational structures for digital learning environments.
  • Organizes material coherently and concisely; it is easy for the reader to identify main points and follow the sequence of ideas.
  • Contributes to dialogue using a variety of social learning tools and responds to questions and feedback from class members, sharing information to advance the collective knowledge of the team and/or class and/or broader audience.
Course Learning Outcome C
(Program Learning Outcomes: 1, 2, 9)
Assessment Criteria
Critically argue the implications of participating in learning networks and learning communities
  • Compares and contrasts social learning organizational structures.
  • Demonstrates ability to synthesize, not just summarize information.
  • Demonstrates ability to think critically about information/arguments.
  • Provides evidence of argumentation; it is easy for the reader to identify the argument and the supporting evidence.
  • Provides evidence of effective collaboration.
  • Organizes material coherently and concisely; it is easy for the reader to identify main points and follow the sequence of ideas.
  • Contributes to dialogue using a variety of social learning tools and responds to questions and feedback from class members, sharing information to advance the collective knowledge of the team and/or class and/or broader audience.
Course Learning Outcome D
(Program Learning Outcomes: 8)
Assessment Criteria
Identify the impact of networks and communities on cultures, organizations and society
  • Identifies how digital learning environments, networks or communities impact cultures, organizations and society.
  • Searches for, identifies and challenges assumptions in the literature and their own thinking.
  • Presents evidence of ability to critically read, analyze, and synthesize information.
  • Provides evidence and support in a manner that paints a comprehensive picture of various perspectives so that the reader can make an informed decision.