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The Assignment work in this course consists of one comprehensive assignment that builds progressively through the course. Assignment 1 has four parts:

  1. Part 1 – Individual Learning Plan
  2. Part 2 – Team Presentation
  3. Part 3 – Peer Assessment of Team Presentation
  4. Part 4 – Critical Academic Reflective Paper

It is divided into parts as each component builds on and informs subsequent components. Supported by the activities in the course, for this assignment you will focus on a team technology and learning event or course as described earlier. Using a critical inquiry approach as a team and at the individual level, you will examine both the technology chosen and issues identified through Assignment 1 Parts 1 – 4.

To describe it another way, this is how it works:

  1.  Parts 2 and 3 above: Early in the course each team chooses a technology and learning event or course to focus on during the course. Each team then schedules, develops and delivers a live presentation based on that technology and learning event. Also, each individual provides an anonymous peer assessment of each team presentation (or recording of it) other than their own team’s presentation.
  2. Parts 1 and 4 above: Each individual chooses a unique critical issue that can be related to their team technology and learning event. This topic will be developed into an academic paper due at the end of the course. The first step (Part 1) is to develop a rough plan for the the paper, and then to complete it (Part 4).

Following are more-detailed descriptions of each part.

Assignment 1: Critical Inquiry Part 1 – Learning Plan (Individual)

For this part of the assignment, you are asked to develop an individual learning plan. This takes the form of a short paper that introduces your individual critical issue and your preliminary ideas and plans on how you will complete your final paper. Think of it as a blueprint for the paper you will be completing. The individual learning plan should describe the following items:

  • The critical issue you have chosen and how it relates to your team’s chosen technology and course or learning event.
  • Your rationale for choosing this critical issue.
  • Additional literature areas you feel you need to read in order to gain a deeper understanding of the critical issue as well as a few examples of literature that may meet your needs.
  • A description of how your critical issue can be connected to previous LRNT courses in the MALAT program (or other courses if you are from a different program): learning theories; use of and assumptions about technology; design approach, assumptions and critique; and historical linkages and future implications; or other topics (to be discussed with the course instructor).
  • A strategy for how you will approach keeping a reflective critical inquiry research log. This log will be used to keep track of your ideas, developments, insights and changes as you progress. You may use your blog, a spreadsheet, an online document or other resource as you wish but that is available for viewing by the course instructor.

Your individual learning plan should be a maximum of 1,000 words, excluding content in tables or other graphics you haven’t created yourself. You are expected to adhere to APA 7 standards for citations and references and to introduce references to appropriate academic literature that you will be using. This need not be a complete list at this stage, but, rather, an early start to your search for literature.


Use the headings and prompts in this template to structure your individual learning plan.

  1. Name
  2. Team
  3. Technology and learning event or course
  4. Specific critical issue.
  5. Rationale. Explain your rationale for investigating this issue. Why did you choose it and what makes it of interest or importance to you?
  6. Literature. Identify and explain the areas in which you will need to conduct a literature search, as well several examples of literature previously encountered in earlier courses that help to inform your study.
  7. Outline of critical approaches. Outline how your approach will enable you to examine critical issues based on the following perspectives (or others that you would like to pursue, in discussion with the course instructor) that you have been addressing in previous LRNT courses in the MALAT program: learning theories; use of and assumptions about technology; design approach, assumptions and critique; and historical linkages and future implications; or other such areas. Also see the critical inquiry section on the home page for more guidance.


Value: 15%

Submit: to the Assignment 1 Part 1 dropbox in Moodle.


Course Learning Outcome/Assessment CriteriaExcellent
(A+ to A)
(A- to B+)
(B to B-)
Poor (F)
Rationale and incorporation of previously read literatureRationale for choosing the perspective or topic is clearly explained and dynamically engaged with academic discussions in the literature already read in the program.Rationale for choosing the perspective or topic is clearly explained and with some reference academic discussions in the literature already read in the program.Rationale for choosing the perspective is somewhat clearly explained, with little or no reference to academic discussions in the literature.Substantial elements of rationale are weak or missing; e.g., reasons for choice are unclear or off target; rationale is difficult to follow.
Newly referenced literatureExceptional array of newly introduced literature, with evidence of deep research. Excellent analysis and synthesis of ideas.Newly introduced literature is clearly represented and incorporated. Strong analysis and synthesis of ideas.Literature may be referenced but not always well incorporated into the writing. Good analysis and synthesis of ideas.Literature  is skimpy, and/or only cursorily referenced. Little or nonexistent analysis and synthesis.
Critical approaches extended from previous LRNT courseIntegrative, original and insightful critical exploration of one of such perspectives as learning theories; use of and assumptions about technology; design approach, assumptions and critique; and historical linkages and future implications; or related topic Good critical exploration of a perspective. Demonstrates reasonable level of critical insightsModerate critical exploration of a perspective. Demonstrates few critical insights.Inadequate critical discussion of perspectives; lacks insights but rather just repeats ideas and concepts without reflecting critical understanding
Outline of critical issueCritical issue is framed in innovative and creative ways to chosen team technology and course or learning event.Critical issue is well linked to chosen team technology and course or learning eventCritical issue is moderately linked to chosen team technology and course or learning eventCritical issue is not relevant to chosen team technology and course or learning event
Style, Grammar, SpellingAll aspects of grammar and spelling are correct and the writing style is of a publishable quality.All aspects of grammar and spelling are correct and the style flows coherently.Some aspects of grammar and spelling are correct.Significant spelling and grammar errors.
TemplateFollows the templateMostly follows the templateStrays from the templateLittle evidence of template-based structure
Critical inquiry research log processProcess is clear and sustainable throughout the courseProcess has some gaps and/or is unclear in placesProcess needs substantial revisionProcess is unlikely to lead to successful outcome