As a team, you will create a 10-minute presentation on the technology that you experienced and examined. This presentation can be done synchronously or as a recorded presentation, or as a combination of the two, and should address your analysis and synthesis of the technology you experienced and the specific issues related to, or aspect of, the chosen technology that each of your team members investigated. There is no particular preconceived benefit to choosing any way of doing this project; the only benefits are based on pedagogical and contextual rationale your team identifies in relation to how and why the choices were made.
Because you are early in your research, you’re not expected to show final results of your study. The idea is that the team presentation would reflect your decisions, choices, process and lessons learned as part of conducting your ongoing analysis, and the blog provides a summary/overview of the presentation (or some aspect of it). Some in the past have used an infographic or other communication method as well to capture the essence of the presentation.
The presentation should be well produced, as professionally as could be expected without the use of trained media specialists.
Outside of the presentation, there should be a live introduction before and a discussion led by one or more of the presenting team members afterwards, for a total of approximately 1/2 hour online. The distribution of time over the 30 minutes is up to the team. If a team desires, they may continue the discussion asychronously beyond the allotted time in a social media application that is easily accessible to all without having to create a new account for up to 5 days after the presentation. Please check with the instructor before doing this, however.
Please make sure to test your presentation in Zoom before going live with it. The instructor will ask that you record the entire presentation, including introduction, presentation and discussion. If you are using recorded media and you find that it doesn’t record well in Zoom, please send a link to a good copy of the media to the instructor afterwards so that it can be included with the presentation recording for distribution to the class.
Each team member must contribute to the presentation creation and delivery in some manner. It is up to each team to manage their own planning, organization and distribution of roles and effort.
In addition, as a team you will create a 500-600 word summary in your team blog including infographic or other helpful representation of your analysis and synthesis of your critical inquiry experience and specific issues examined. This is due on the same date as your live presentation.
The word count includes the infographic. Include up to five key references you found helpful in your inquiry (not included in word count). Provide some helpful feedback on other team blogs as well. Depending on the media you select, references need only include, as a minimum, the author(s) and date, with full bibliographic information available at the end or, if not permitted by the medium, as part of the assignment submission to the dropbox. For example a podcast would not require the full citations, only name and date, whereas a slide presentation could possibly include a full bibliography at the end. Either way is fine.
The idea is to try to generate an alternative, easy-to-grasp representation of any part or all of your presentation topic or argument. This can take any of a variety of forms, for example mind or concept map, table or chart, comic-style illustration, brief video or audio clip, animation (including animated gif). The intent is to try to communicate the essence of an idea or argument in a way that’s easily and quickly understood apart from plain text. Free free to be creative and informative at the same time.
Timing: The due dates of this assignment are twofold:
1. Team presentation – as committed on the team signup sheet.
2. Summary and infographic or other graphic if used – as posted for Assignment 1, Part 2 in the course schedule.
- CLO B – Conduct and share a critical analysis of area inquiry.
- CLO C – Critically reflect on your learning experience as outlined in your learning plan.
Value: 25%
Submit: To register this assignment in Moodle, upload a copy of your blog post in a Word file or link to it in the Assignment 1 Part 2 dropbox in Moodle.
Course Learning Outcome/Assessment Criteria | Excellent (A+ to A) | Proficient (A- to B+) | Satisfactory (B to B-) | Unsatisfactory (F) |
Rationale | Rationale for choice of technology for study is compelling and clearly explained |
Rationale for choice of technology is reasonable . |
Substantial elements of rationale are weak or missing . | Little or no rationale provided |
Modality and instance description | Well-researched, in-depth representation of the team’s chosen technology and learning event. Clear and on-target examples given. | Generally good representation of the team’s chosen technology and learning event. Minimal examples or minimal lack of relevance | Focus on either the technology or learning event but not both. Examples nonexistent. | Weak and unclear representation of the technology and/or learning event |
Individual perspectives | Includes clear and holistic description of how individual team members’ learning plans perspectives connect to the technology and learning event | Provides some connection to individual team members’ individual learning plans | Individual learning plan perspectives identified but not connected to | Discussion of individual learning plan perspectives lacking or largely incomplete |
Production | Compelling visual and audio quality. Creative, clear and to the point. Strong evidence of a coherent and synergistic team effort with well-distributed and complementary roles. | Competent use of visual and audio tools. Clear and to the point. Team roles are clearly organized. |
Some flaws in presentation; not always clear or on target. Teamwork not clearly evident. . | Poorly produced; difficult to follow or understand. Lack of evidence of a coherent team effort. |
Critical analysis, summary and infographic | Statements are backed by strong evidence and argumentation, and information is discussed, not just stated. | Supporting information is summarized but not synthesized/connected with other perspectives. Synthesis is minimal or lacking | Supporting information is stated and not summarized or backed by supporting evidence. | Information lacks relevance and connection to the position statement. Statements are not backed by evidence and argumentation |