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To get started with this assignment watch the 4 minute video below.

Note: Since the last iteration of this assignment in June 2023, generative artificial intelligence has become an important emerging tool in education generally, and in instructional design specifically. As part of your current professional work as an educator, instructional designer, or administrator, you are likely beginning to explore AI tools and their usefulness for everyday tasks. For Assignments 3 and 4 in the course, you are invited to use AI tools to support your instructional design and content creation for your Digital Learning Resource. Based on activities and assignments thus far in the course, you should already have a clear idea of the type of design you wish to create. The specifics of your design, the learning outcomes, the learning activities, the content learners will need to achieve the learning outcomes, an assessment, design introduction, and design summary might all be enhanced if you use AI tools as “design assistants” for your work. You are in no way required to use these tools. You are welcome to design based on your own skills with no help from AI. If the learning design you are creating will require a facilitator (another future person that is not you) for delivery, then it is a good idea to create a short facilitator guide to accompany your design. In all cases for good design, the more explicit and clear you can be in your learner instructions, the more successful your learners are likely to be. If you have any questions about use of AI tools for your design, please connect with your professor to learn more and confirm acceptable use. You should include a summary of what AI tools you have used and how you have used them as part of your Assignment 4 work.


The purpose of this assignment is to combine lessons learned in Units 1, 2, and 3 to create a refined and informed digital learning resource. The resource solves (in part or in full) your problem of practice and it is ready to test with potential learners. In addition to your resource, you will create clear instructions for learners embedded in your resource, or a facilitator guide (if your resource requires a facilitator). This assignment helps determine your achievement of course Learning Outcomes A and B – identify a need that can be met by a digital learning resource and design and create a digital learning resource.


For this assignment, you will refine your Draft Digital Learning Resource, created in Assignment 3. You will combine elements of human-centred design (Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test) with learning theory, instructional design models, user feedback, peer feedback, and faculty member feedback to create a high-quality digital learning resource that is ready for testing with potential users. You should continue to take notes about your choices as you work through the final assignment, but these notes will not be part of your deliverable. A new element in this Unit is the need for clear instructions as part of your design so that learners know exactly what to do, and/or prospective facilitators have a guide (depending on whether your resources is facilitated or self-directed). The format of your resource must be accessible to your faculty member for purposes of grading and feedback – and to your peers so they can provide additional feedback (if you desire).

  • Using the rubric below as a guide and taking into account other feedback methods used throughout the course, complete the following tasks:
  • Refine your digital learning resource to a ready-for-delivery experience for learners
  • Continue to take into account the scope of your resource related to your problem of practice. Be realistic about your time and design for maximum impact
  • Design and include clear instructions for learners and/or a facilitator guide that providers users of your resource with explicit instructions (be sure to include the Purpose and intended Learning Outcomes)
  • If you have used AI tools for the creation or refining of any elements of Assignment 4, please provide a half-page summary with your design to confirm what you have used and how you have used it.
  • Submit your resources in whatever format makes sense according to your design choices and include your facilitator guide (if it is a separate document) in the Assignment 4 dropbox.
  • Be certain to ask questions of your faculty member and peers if you would like additional guidance or support as you complete your work!

Value: 25%

Submit: to the Assignment 4 dropbox in Moodle.


Course Learning Outcome/Assessment Criteria Excellent
(A+ to A)
(A- to B+)
(B to B-)
APA elements within the resource All citations and APA format are correct. Most citations and APA formatting are correct. Some citations and APA formatting are correct. Few citations and APA formatting are correct.
Style, Grammar, Spelling within the Guide and Resource Writing (or multimedia equivalent) meets publish-ready standards. The style is well honed for the intended audience and there are no errors in grammar, spelling, mechanics, and punctuation. Writing (or multimedia equivalent) is clear and effective with minimal errors in grammar, spelling, mechanics, and punctuation. Writing  (or multimedia equivalent) is clear and effective for the most part with minor errors in grammar, spelling, mechanics, and punctuation. Writing (or multimedia equivalent) is somewhat unclear and/or ineffective with multiple errors in grammar, spelling, mechanics, and punctuation.
Quality of the Digital Learning Resource The design of the resource demonstrates full depth of course learning and understanding of the connection between a PoP and a high-quality solution. The resource is a learner-ready example of high quality design practices aligned with human-centred design principles. The designer’s choice of delivery mode and/or technology embodies leading-edge pedagogic innovation. All elements of the resource align with accessibility requirements for the design of educational resources. The resource is completely aligned with the stated needs of users as described in Empathy research. Related to a clearly articulated problem of practice, the designer has made it clear how the resource will help solve (in part or in full) the problem in context. The resource exemplifies excellence in the context of quality design practices (human-centred, grounded in learning theory and an instructional design model). The designer’s choice of delivery mode and/or technology align with evidence-based pedagogic practice. All elements of the resource align with accessibility requirements for the design of educational resources. The resource is well designed for the level and needs of users as described in Empathy research. Related to a clearly articulated problem of practice, the designer has made it clear how the resource will help solve (in part or in full) the problem in context. The resource is reasonably well designed in the context of quality design practices. The designer’s choice of delivery mode and/or technology align with evidence-based pedagogic practice. All elements of the resource align with accessibility requirements for the design of educational resources. The resource touches on the needs of users as described in Empathy research. Related to a problem of practice, the resource is somewhat clear as a solution in the designer’s context. The resource is satisfactory in the context of quality design practices. The designer’s choice of delivery mode demonstrates some planning and research. All elements of the resource align with accessibility requirements for the design of educational resources. The Empathy research for the research was conducted and some elements were considered in the final design.
Quality of learner instructions and/or facilitator guide. The instructions and/or guide provide explicit advice for the user of the resource to help support a high quality learning experience. The instructions/guide provide user choice in learning activities to support diversity and inclusion. The instructions/guide align with accessibility requirements for the design of educational resources. The instructions/guide provide explicit advice for the user of the resource to help support a high quality learning experience. The instructions/guide align with accessibility requirements for the design of educational resources. The instructions/guide provide some advice for the user of the resource to help support a high quality learning experience. The instructions/guide align with accessibility requirements for the design of educational resources. The instructions/guide provide basic advice for the user of the resource to help support a high quality learning experience. The instructions/guide do not align with accessibility requirements for the design of educational resources.