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LRNT 527


Engaging in the design thinking process and developing my digital learning resource has been a truly eye-opening experience. One of the most surprising revelations was understanding the importance of prioritizing learner-centred design right from the start. Traditionally, our approach—like that of many in my field—often involved creating content first and then identifying the audience afterward. […]

527 reflection

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I know this is for 527 but my reflection begins with LRNT526.  My experience with generative AI was non-existent, and I hadn’t considered it a topic worthy of serious attention. Up to that point I assumed my ARP would focus on K-12 education, with the specifics to be determined later. After reading Teacherbot: Interventions in […]

Reflections from LRNT 527

I have long held the belief that all the best leaders reflect, in fact this is something I often share when facilitating leadership classes. I expect this is a modified version of a quote someone much wiser than I has… Continue Reading →

Reflecting on the Design Thinking Process in Creating Digital Resources

When I think about the design thinking process, I am not very surprised by the use of artificial intelligence by those who participated in the survey. Those who did discuss their use of AI were using chatbots, which Diliberti et al. (2024) also discuss in their article as one of the most popular uses among […]

~M’s Reflection Journey

As I reflect on the value of reflection, I immediately think about my leadership course at RRU, which I took a decade ago. As part of the learning resources, I read Margaret J….

6 Tips for Choosing Photos in Digital Learning

Student teachers, learning designers, and experienced instructors alike have all experienced scrolling through images, trying to find exactly the right photo for your digital learning content. I hope you enjoy the infographic I created below on this topic! 6 Tips for Choosing Photos in Digital Learning by Andrea Evans Smith is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA […]