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Course Learning Outcome
(Related Program Learning Outcomes)
Assessment Criteria
Note: An overarching learning outcome for all assessments in this course is use of APA (7th Edition) style, citation, and referencing. All discussion posts, and individual and team assignments must be of the highest quality in terms of academic writing practices including well-structured arguments, error free text (as free from typos or grammatical errors as possible), and readability for the intended audience.

Course Learning Outcome A

(Program Learning Outcomes: 2, 4, 8)

Identify a need that can be met by a digital learning resource.
  • Identifies a professionally focused problem of practice (PoP) that may be addressed with the design of a digital learning resource.
  • Evaluates methods (data collection and analysis options) to Empathize and assess prospective learner preferences and needs in the context of a PoP.
  • Selects and applies a method, or methods to learn from prospective learners and proposes a digital learning resource with an accompanying Written Summary (Define and Ideate).
  • Creates a high-quality video that communicates the problem of practice, learner needs and preferences, and the proposed solution for a digital resource with a clear rationale for an identified stakeholder audience.
Course Learning Outcome B
(Program Learning Outcomes: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
Design and create a digital learning resource.
  • Analyzes the comparative strengths and weaknesses of digital learning solutions and applies a theoretical framework to select a solution appropriate to the needs of learners (Define, Ideate)
  • Designs a plan for creating a self-directed or facilitator-guided digital learning resource (Ideate).
  • Drafts a digital learning resource to meet identified educational needs or challenges through effective design methods (Prototype). Begins to solve the Problem of Practice.
  • Creates clear instructions for learners (if the resource is self-directed) and/or a Facilitation Guide (if the resource requires an instructor) to accompany the digital learning resource.
Course Learning Outcome C
(Program Learning Outcomes: 1, 2, 10)
Critique a digital learning resource.
  • Develops a learner-specific feedback plan for evaluating a digital learning resource based on relevant learning theory and design principles (Test plan).
  • Co-creates a small-scale learning design exploring the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools to determine their usefulness in the design of digital resources.
  • Synthesizes feedback from instructor and peers, reflects and applies self-assessment, and develops a plan for refining and launching a digital learning resource.