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Assignment 1 includes the development of your full template for the applied research project proposal or the digital research consulting project proposal, and the completion Section 1, the Introduction which includes background information, research question and sub questions, key terms, and potential dissemination options.

For both routes, you should have a title page, a table of contents, and should include each of the three overarching sections/chapters required (Section/Chapter 1 – Introduction and Research Question(s); Section/Chapter 2 – Theoretical Framework(s) and Literature Review; and Section/Chapter 3 – Methodology and Methods). See Details to Include in a Proposal in the following order below. As you work through each of the assignments for the course, you will populate the relevant section/chapter of your template, so that when you submit the final assignment, you have one single ‘product’ – your full proposal. You should review the Handbook(s) for details on each of the required sections.

Section/Chapter 1, the focus of this assignment, should begin with an introduction which should include: a description of your chosen topic, and should then include rationale for the choice of topic and why it is important. Your description and rationale should provide basic context for the topic, including references to academic literature. You should then have a specific sub-section for research questions, key terms, and dissemination opportunities as outlined below.  Your sub-section titled Research Question(s) for example, will include your overarching research question and two to four supporting sub-questions. You are expected to adhere to APA guidelines for quotes, in-text citations, and references, to back up your statements with appropriate academic literature. It is expected that you would have a minimum of six academic references.

Section/Chapter 1 which includes the first four items of the list below for the applied research project and the first five items of the list below for the digital learning research consulting project should be between 600-1,000 words. Your full proposal template, with Section/Chapter 1 complete is worth 25% of your final grade.

Details to include in the applied research project proposal template in the following order:

  1. Introduction – outlines briefly the context and why it is important (Section/Chapter 1). You should begin with a description of your chosen topic, and should then include rationale for the choice of topic and why it is important. Your description and rationale should provide basic context for the topic, including references to academic literature. If relevant, you can include some context regarding your connection to the topic area, or the particulars regarding your organization (from assignment 1) (in Section/Chapter 1).
  2. Research question(s) – A clearly focused research question and sub-questions that are capable of being answered (from assignment 1) (in Section/Chapter 1).
  3. Key terms – Precise definitions of the key terms in the research question(s) that will allow them to be clearly observed, measured and identified throughout the study (from assignment 1) (in Section/Chapter 1).
  4. Dissemination opportunities – Information regarding the possible dissemination of your research once complete (from assignment 1) (in Section/Chapter 1).
  5. Theoretical framework(s) – that guides your study (from assignment 2) (in Section/Chapter 2).
  6. Literature review – An awareness of key research that has already been carried out in the particular area (literature review – from assignment 2) (in Section/Chapter 2). See details from the assignment description. Your literature will likely have a number of sub sections which are organized relevant to your topic of research. The literature review will include items such as: what conclusions were reached in previous research, by whom and when; whether these conclusions are in agreement or conflict with each other;the main issues or controversies that surround the problem; and significant gaps in previous research in this particular area.
  7. Methodology – An appropriate choice of methodology (systemic literature review and the inclusion of a small number of interviews as part of the data collection) (from assignment 3) (in Section/Chapter 3).
  8. Methods – A well-defined methods section that lists the steps to be followed in carrying out the research. This should include what data will be collected and why, and the method of data collection and analysis (from assignment 3) (in Section/Chapter 3).
  9. Stakeholders/Participants – Key stakeholders and/or participants who you might consult with and why (from assignment 3) (in Section/Chapter 3).
  10. Ethics – A section that explores any ethical issues that may arise from completing this applied research project and how you intend to address them. Your project will fall under the LRNT622 blanket ethical review (from assignment 3) (in Section/Chapter 3).
  11. Limitations and delimitations – A section that highlights any anticipated limitations and delimitations in the proposed study including threats to reliability and validity, and how these will be countered (from assignment 3) (in Section/Chapter 3). Include your understanding (with references) of the difference between limitations and delimitations.
  12. Sponsor details – A section that outlines your proposed sponsor, why they have been chosen, and whether they have indicated their willingness to participate.
  13. Timeline – A draft timeline (from assignment 3) (in Section/Chapter 3).
  14. References – A list of references that relate to the proposal, i.e. works cited (Reference Section at the end).
  15. Appendices, if appropriate, that contain any material that will be used or adapted for the study, including any permission that might need to be obtained to use it (after the Reference Section).

Details to include in the digital research consulting project proposal in the following order:

  1. Introduction – outlines briefly the context and why it is important (Section/Chapter 1). You should begin with a description of your chosen topic, and should then include rationale for the choice of topic and why it is important. Your description and rationale should provide basic context for the topic, including references to academic literature. If relevant, you can include some context regarding your connection to the topic area, or the particulars regarding your organization (from assignment 1) (in Section/Chapter 1).
  2. Research question(s) – A clearly focused research question and sub-questions that are capable of being answered (from assignment 1) (in Section/Chapter 1).
  3. Partner/ Organization – Information regarding your partner/organization for the research consulting project and why this partner is well-placed for this project (from assignment 1) (in Section/Chapter 1).
  4. Key terms – Precise definitions of the key terms in the research question(s) that will allow them to be clearly observed, measured and identified throughout the study (from assignment 1) (in Section/Chapter 1).
  5. Dissemination opportunities – Information regarding the possible dissemination of your research once complete and information regarding how your research consulting project will contribute to your field of study (from assignment 1) (in Section/Chapter 1).
  6. Theoretical framework(s) – that guides your study (from assignment 2) (in Section/Chapter 2).
  7. Literature review – An awareness of key research that has already been carried out in the particular area (literature review – from assignment 2) (in Section/Chapter 2). See details from the assignment description. Your literature will likely have a number of sub sections which are organized relevant to your topic of research. The literature review will include items such as: what conclusions were reached in previous research, by whom and when; whether these conclusions are in agreement or conflict with each other;the main issues or controversies that surround the problem; and significant gaps in previous research in this particular area.
  8. Methodology – An appropriate choice of methodology (modified action research) (from assignment 3) (in Section/Chapter 3).
  9. Methods – A well-defined methods section that lists the steps to be followed in carrying out the research. This should include what data will be collected, how, and why, and how you will analyze the data (from assignment 3) (in Section/Chapter 3).
  10. Stakeholders/Participants – Key stakeholders and/or participants in the research consulting project and how they will be consulted (from assignment 3) (in Section/Chapter 3).
  11. Ethics – A section that explores any ethical issues that may arise from completing this research consulting project and how you intend to address them. This project will fall under the LRNT622 blanket ethical review and indicate whether you will need to submit an additional individual ethics review (in Section/Chapter 3).
  12. Limitations and delimitations – A section that highlights any anticipated limitations and delimitations in the proposed study including threats to reliability and validity, and how these will be countered (from assignment 3) (in Section/Chapter 3). Include your understanding (with references) of the difference between limitations and delimitations.
  13. Timeline – A draft timeline (from assignment 3) (in Section/Chapter 3).
  14. Proposed ToC – A proposed table of contents for the final paper/project as a guide to the possible scale and shape of the final piece of written work (from assignment 3) (in Section/Chapter 3).
  15. References – A list of references that relate to the proposal, i.e. works cited (Reference Section at the end).
  16. Appendices, if appropriate, that contain any material that will be used or adapted for the study, including any permission that might need to be obtained to use it (after the Reference Section).

Value: 25%

Submit: to the Assignment 1 dropbox in Moodle.


Course Learning Outcome/Assessment Criteria Excellent
(A+ to A)
(A- to B+)
(B to B-)
Citation and APA format All citations and APA format are correct. Most citations and APA formatting are correct. Some citations and APA formatting are correct. Few citations and APA formatting are correct.
Style, Grammar, Spelling All aspects of grammar and spelling are correct. Most aspects of grammar and spelling are correct. Some aspects of grammar and spelling are correct. Significant spelling and grammar errors.
Template design Template is set up correctly with all sections clearly identified and defined. Template is mostly set up correctly with most sections identified and defined. Template is somewhat set up correctly with some sections identified and defined. Template is not set up correctly and sections are not identified or defined.
Content All sections of chapter 1 are complete. Submission is clearly structured and is well organized to support understanding and follow main points and sequence of ideas. Chosen topic and rationale for the topic are appropriate and clearly stated. Key terms have precise definitions backed up by academic sources. Most sections of chapter 1 are complete. Submission is mostly clearly structured and organized to support understanding and follow main points and sequence of ideas. Chosen topic and rationale for the topic are appropriate mostly clearly stated. Key terms have mostly clear definitions backed up by academic sources. Some sections of chapter 1 are complete. Submission is somewhat clearly structured and organized to support understanding and follow main points and sequence of ideas. Chosen topic and rationale for the topic are appropriate and somewhat clearly stated. Key terms have somewhat clear definitions backed up by academic sources. Sections of chapter 1 are not complete. Submission is not structured and organized to support understanding and follow main points and sequence of ideas. Chosen topic and rationale for the topic are not appropriate and not clearly stated. Key terms do not have definitions backed up by academic sources.
Research question and sub questions Research question and sub questions are clearly stated and capable of being answered. Research question and sub questions are appropriate for the chosen topic. Research question and sub questions are mostly clearly stated and capable of being answered. Research question and sub questions are appropriate for the chosen topic. Research question and sub questions are somewhat clearly stated and capable of being answered. Research question and sub questions are appropriate for the chosen topic. Research question and sub questions are not clearly stated or are not capable of being answered. Research question and sub questions are not appropriate for the chosen topic.
Research dissemination Evidence that research dissemination has been considered is provided, and appropriate, detailed possibilities are clearly stated. Evidence that research dissemination has been considered is mostly provided, and appropriate, detailed possibilities are mostly clearly stated. Some evidence that research dissemination has been considered is provided, and appropriate, detailed possibilities are somewhat clearly stated. Evidence that research dissemination has been considered is not provided, and appropriate, detailed possibilities are not clearly stated.