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Course Learning Outcome
(Related Program Learning Outcomes)
Assessment Criteria
Course Learning Outcome A
(Program Learning Outcomes: 1, 10)
Assessment Criteria
Construct an effective research question related to any combination of the following: learning, technology, design, and innovation.
  • Presents statements that are backed up with valid evidence.
  • Identifies terms and concepts important to research.
  • Demonstrates ability to synthesize, as well as summarize information.
  • Organizes material coherently and concisely; it is easy for the reader to identify main points and follow the sequence of ideas.
  • Delivers written material in legible, error-free manner and conforms to APA formatting and citation conventions.
  • Demonstrates appropriate writing for context and audience.
  • Contributes to discussions and responds to questions and feedback from class members, sharing information to advance the collective knowledge of the team and/or class.
Course Learning Outcome B
(Program Learning Outcomes: 1, 2, 10)
Assessment Criteria
Critically analyze and synthesize literature related to the chosen research question.
  • Identifies, locates, and accurately uses relevant expertise, literature sources, and data.
  • Interprets findings.
  • Synthesizes results.
  • Recognizes and takes into account sources of uncertainty when drawing inferences and reaching conclusions.
  • Participates in individual and team activities in a manner that advances construction of collective knowledge within the course.
Course Learning Outcome C
(Program Learning Outcomes: 1, 10)
Assessment Criteria
Develop arguments backed with evidence.
  • Provides evidence of argumentation; it is easy for the reader to identify the argument and the information to back up the argument.
  • Contributes in a clear and relevant manner.
  • Uses images and other media appropriately.
  • Organizes material coherently and concisely; it is easy for the reader to identify main points and follow the sequence of ideas and logic of the argument.
  • Presents legible, error-free material and conforms to APA formatting and citation conventions.
  • Searches for, identifies and challenges implicit assumptions in own, peer or professional opinion.
  • Presents perspectives in a way that is sympathetic to the intentions of the source.
  • Collects data and information in a manner that provides a comprehensive picture of potential perspectives.
  • Accurately recognizes and acts upon written and implied objectives.
  • Recognizes and assesses the end use and end user of information, and the impacts that these have on the analytical and decision-making process,
  • Contributes to discussions and responds to questions and feedback from class members, sharing information to advance the collective knowledge of the team and/or class.
Course Learning Outcome D
(Program Learning Outcomes: 1, 8, 10)
Assessment Criteria
Understand, describe, and justify research methods to investigate the chosen research question.
  • Identifies an appropriate cross section of forms of research inquiry and provides appropriate citations to explain each form.
  • Searches for, identifies and challenges assumptions in own, peer, and/or professional opinion.
  • Explicitly and critically evaluates relevant assigned or available information; evidence, and argument for reliability and authority.
  • Collects data and information in a manner that provides a comprehensive picture of perspectives.
  • Contributes to discussions and responds to questions and feedback from class members, sharing information to advance the collective knowledge of the team and/or class.
Course Learning Outcome E
(Program Learning Outcomes: 1, 8, 9, 10)
Assessment Criteria
Develop a secondary research project proposal or research consulting project proposal to investigate the chosen research question.
  • Material is organized coherently, concisely and completely.
  • Text is legible, accurate (spelling is correct) and conforms to the style, grammar, and formatting conventions that match the purpose of the writing (APA standards for formal writing).
  • A structure is used that makes it easy for the reading audience to identify main points and to follow the sequence of ideas.
  • Where material is copied from published and unpublished sources, this is noted and attribution provided in accordance with APA citation specifications, including copyright approval where appropriate.
  • Documents are proof-read and re-drafted to ensure accuracy.
  • Presents evidence of ability to critically read, analyze, and synthesize information.
  • Provides perspectives in a way that is sympathetic to the intentions of the sources.
  • Critically substantiates and contextualizes all major claims made.
  • Recognises and assesses intended use and end user of information, and the impacts that these have on the analytical and decision-making process.