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In pairs, you will create a video role-playing a debate with one of your peers. As asked for at the beginning of Unit 2, please use this google doc to connect with a partner.

The role-play should focus on a myth or debate in the field. You and your partner will take the pro and con sides of the argument, present a convincing, lively, and interesting debate, and you will conclude by making the case for the side of the argument with the most substantive evidence. Imagine that the audience for the video is a curious individual who is not an expert in the field and is somewhat curious about the topic. Your goal is to present to this person both sides of the debate clearly and convincingly. You may choose to frame it as a debate that is unresolved (if that is indeed the case!) or you may chose to present it as a debate which has crossed over into the myth territory. To give you an example of the latter, consider the following prompt: “Designing instruction according to students’ learning styles leads to better learning outcomes.” A video debunking this myth (and therefore an example that you can draw inspiration from) appears below

The topic of your debate has to be pre-approved by the instructor. Request approval by posting it in the relevant Moodle discussion board.

There are two deliverables for this assignment:

  1. The team deliverable, which should include:
    • A 5-7 minute debate-style video, posted on a video-sharing site such as YouTube or Vimeo. You do not need to make your video public, but you should post it on the relevant discussion board to facilitate the peer-review portion of the assignment (see #2 below). You can post it as an unlisted video, which will only be visible to those with whom you share a link.
    • A list of 4-6 APA-formatted citations of the most significant research papers, essays, articles, and so on that you consulted in creating your video. To make this available to others, include the citations in the description of your video as well.
  2. The individual deliverable, which consists of:
    • An individual peer-review. Please see the rubric below which identifies what should be in your peer review. The providing peer feedback resources on the RRU Teamswork site are also helpful to review.

The possibilities for this assignment are endless. Though I provide some suggested myths or debates below, please don’t hesitate to modify these or propose completely different ones of your own:

  • Technology rewires people’s brains and changes the ways they learn.
  • Digital natives learn differently.
  • The blockchain will transform education
  • Face-to-face learning is better than online learning.
  • MOOCs have democratized education.
  • Online learning will never work for my discipline! (“my discipline” may include: engineering, philosophy, art, etc.).
  • Public-private partnerships are good for higher education
  • Personalized learning is good for all students
  • Algorithms can be effective teachers (or Artificial Intelligence will replace teachers, or something to that effect).
  • Compassionate robots can substitute caring teachers
  • Corporations do not need training departments
  • Instructional designers are unnecessary
  • Digital Badges render degrees obsolete
  • Video games are inappropriate for education
  • The Learning Management System should be replaced by a Social Networking Site

Value: 35% (video & document = 25%; peer-assessment = 10%)

Submission: Submit two documents to the instructor.

  1. The first document is the team portion of this assignment and it should include the link to your video and the references. This document should be submitted to Assignment 2 – deliverable 1 dropbox in Moodle. Once you are done with your video, post it in this discussion forum to facilitate the peer-review portion of this assignment.
  2. The second document is the individual portion of this assignment. This document should include your peer-review of one of the videos created by your peers. Use this template to provide your assessment. Submit your peer-assessment in the Assignment 2 – deliverable 2 dropbox in Moodle and send it via email to the creators of the video you reviewed.

Below are the rubrics that I will use to grade your deliverable:

Rubric used to evaluate the team deliverable (deliverable 1)

Criteria Excellent (A+ to A) Proficient (A- to B+) Satisfactory (B to B-) Unsatisfactory (F)
Citations All citations and APA format are correct Most citations and APA formatting are correct Some citations and APA formatting are correct Few citations and APA formatting are correct
Style, Grammar, Spelling All grammar and spelling are correct Most grammar and spelling are correct Some grammar and spelling are correct Significant spelling and grammar errors
Video Mechanics Video is posted on a file-sharing site, is of appropriate length, and is accessible with no issues     Video is not submitted or is of very short length.
Debate/Myth A debate/myth is identified and stated succinctly A debate/myth is mostly identified and stated succinctly A debate/myth is somewhat identified and stated succinctly The debate/myth is misidentified or misstated
Relevant literature The identified literature is relevant The identified literature is mostly relevant The identified literature is somewhat relevant The identified literature is of cursory relevance
Evaluation of relevant literature The identified literature is accurately evaluated in detail. The identified literature is mostly evaluated in detail. The identified literature is somewhat evaluated in detail. The identified literature is neither evaluated, nor examined in detail.
Appropriateness  video for audience The video is appropriate for the intended audience. The video is mostly appropriate for the intended audience. The video is somewhat appropriate for the intended audience. The video is inappropriate for the intended audience.
Synthesis The video synthesizes information in an organized, logical, succinct, and integrative way. The video summarizes information, and does so in an organized, logical, succinct, and integrative way. The video presents information with little evidence of summarization, but still does so in an organized, logical, succinct, and integrative way. The information in the video is disjointed, and is neither summarized nor synthesized well.

Rubric used to evaluate the individual peer-review you will submit (deliverable 2)

Criteria Excellent (A+ to A) Proficient (A- to B+) Satisfactory (B to B-) Unsatisfactory (F)
Use of Rubric The rubric provided is accurately used for feedback and grading. The rubric provided is mostly used for feedback and grading. The rubric provided is somewhat used for feedback and grading. The rubric provided is not used for feedback and grading.
Style, Grammar, Spelling All grammar and spelling are correct Most grammar and spelling are correct Some grammar and spelling are correct Significant spelling and grammar errors
Feedback Thoughtful and extensive feedback is provided. Areas of strength and improvement are identified with examples provided. Most feedback provided is thoughtful and extensive. Areas of strength and improvement are mostly identified with some examples provided. Some feedback provided is thoughtful and extensive. Some areas of strength and improvement are identified and examples may/may not be provided. Sparse, inconsistent, or poor feedback is provided. Few areas of strength or improvement are mentioned.
Grading An overall grade is provided according to the rubric, and an explanation of the final grade is provided An overall grade is provided based mostly on the rubric, and an explanation of the final grade is mostly provided An overall grade is provided based somewhat on the rubric, and an explanation of the final grade is somewhat provided An overall grade is not provided, no explanation is provided, or the grade is not based on the rubric.