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In our final unit, we will read and think about the future of education. What does it look like? What could it look like? What should it look like? How may we use what we learn to speculate what the future may look like, and prepare ourselves, our organizations, our students, and our society for it? How may we describe it, so that we can influence it?  Watch George’s introductory video below. If you can’t see a video embedded below, view it on YouTube. If you are wondering who George is, be sure to watch the Course Welcome video  or read the transcript here.

Learning Activities and Assignments

Activity 7 | Individual activity: Exploring possible futures (Blog) – Due Oct 16 in order to receive timely feedback

After you’ve started reading the assigned reading for the first week, in about 200 words begin writing assignment 3 as a blog post. Share one or two ideas with the rest of us, and allow us to give you early feedback. Relate these ideas to the assigned readings. How may the readings guide, support, and inform your writing? What does the future look like from your vantage point? What context are you writing about? Is this an optimistic or pessimistic future? What are some reasons that lead you to believe that society will arrive at this future? My aim with this activity is to help you jot down some quick ideas, and receive feedback from myself and your peers. In this way, the blog post is intended to support your writing of Assignment #3.