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News Bulletin (Class, Read Only)

Course Wrap-up and Grading

by Jenni Hayman.  Hello Everyone! Thank you for submitting your final assignments. I hope to have everything graded by Monday, August 19 at the latest. I have to catch up with Contributions to Peer Learning and your Blog posts as well as Assignmen…

August 6 Recording Now Available

by Jenni Hayman.  Hello Everyone,I have added a recording from our session last night for you to review if it’s helpful. Marni, Jessica, and I had a good discussion about polishing modules and what some of the processes are for making a digital le…

Topics for Next Week…

by Jenni Hayman.  Hello Everyone, We are in the final chase for course completion and I have enjoyed working with all of you so much this semester. A reminder to please complete your course Blog Reflection Post (details in Unit 3).I have been unab…

Assignment 3 Grading

by Jenni Hayman.  Hello Everyone, I wanted to release grades and feedback for Assignment 3 as quickly as possible given the short timeline for Assignment 4. I realize I have granted a couple of extensions and in a couple of cases I have asked for …

Last Night’s Meeting

by Jenni Hayman.  Hello Everyone,I am so sorry to have gotten the time zone and meeting time mixed up for last night. In my message on Monday I said 9pm PDT, it should have been 6pm PDT as per usual.I would be happy to meet with any of you one on …

Welcome to Week 7!

by Jenni Hayman.  Hello Everyone! Welcome to Week 7. This is the final week of Unit 2 and the week of building for Assignment 3 design process details. I have provided you with a few examples of Assignment 3 so you can get an idea of the frame I w…