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Lesson Plan – Team Blue

Hello from Team Blue! (Leona, Ano, and Andrea) During our facilitation week [insert dates], we will be guiding the class as we explore the following question:  How can digital learning facilitators leverage emerging technologies such as iterative AI, chatbots, machine learning, and virtual facilitation to act as their facilitation personal assistants to simplify, automate, and […]

Lesson Plan – Team Orange

Please find below the lesson plan created to meet the learning objective of exploring the relationship between digital literacies and facilitation. Resources: Eshet, Y. (2004). Digital literacy: A conceptual framework for survival skills in the digital era. Journal of educational multimedia… Continue Reading →

Facilitation Plan Draft – Using AI as a Digital Resource Assistant for Facilitators

By Catherine McFee and Marni Russell In preparation for Team Green’s facilitation week, Catherine and Marni met to brainstorm and plan an engaging learning experience for our participants. The unit content focuses on learning to use AI as a Digital Resource Assistant to determine best facilitation practices.  Learning Objective To use AI to support facilitation […]

CoI in K12 Professional Development

The CoI framework was developed to underscore the connection between three presences: teaching, social, and cognitive. Its primary goal is to cultivate ‘an engaged online learning community’ (Dunlap & Lowenthal, 2018, p.81). Using the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework, this infographic will provide strategies to help K12 teachers integrate technology into the classroom from an […]

528 Infographic and blog

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The Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework, originally developed for online higher education, offers valuable insights that can improve any classroom. By focusing on cognitive, social, and teaching presence, educators can create engaging learning experiences that foster critical thinking, collaboration, and active participation. Let’s explore how these principles can be applied in K-12 education. Cognitive Presence: […]

LRNT528 3,2,1 blog

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Three thoughts: My first thought about facilitating in digital environments is that not all digital environments are the same.  My experience teaching online with VIP Kid helped inform the one-on-one teacher/student dynamic, and my experience teaching grade 3 homeroom to a bunch of eight-year-olds on an ipad during the pandemic informs the one-to-many dynamic.  My […]

3-2-1 Into Digital Facilitation 

3 Initial Thoughts  In my initial thoughts, I discussed the similarities between in-person and online teaching. I still have some questions I would like to explore as I go through this course, especially regarding how to use these skills in a K12 setting.  2 questions 1 Metaphor  Through reading about digital facilitation, a metaphor that […]

3, 2, 1… blast off to LRNT528!

3 thoughts about facilitating in digital environments: 2 questions about digital facilitation: 1 metaphor or simile about digital facilitation:

~M’s Initial 3-2-1 Digital Facilitation Reflection

My reflection on digital facilitation involved pondering complexities after reviewing the Unit 1 readings. Using the 3-2-1 approach, I will share my 3 initial thoughts, 2 questions, and 1 metaphor on digital facilitation….