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LRNT528 3,2,1 blog

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Three thoughts: My first thought about facilitating in digital environments is that not all digital environments are the same.  My experience teaching online with VIP Kid helped inform the one-on-one teacher/student dynamic, and my experience teaching grade 3 homeroom to a bunch of eight-year-olds on an ipad during the pandemic informs the one-to-many dynamic.  My […]

3-2-1 Into Digital Facilitation 

3 Initial Thoughts  In my initial thoughts, I discussed the similarities between in-person and online teaching. I still have some questions I would like to explore as I go through this course, especially regarding how to use these skills in a K12 setting.  2 questions 1 Metaphor  Through reading about digital facilitation, a metaphor that […]

3, 2, 1… blast off to LRNT528!

3 thoughts about facilitating in digital environments: 2 questions about digital facilitation: 1 metaphor or simile about digital facilitation:

~M’s Initial 3-2-1 Digital Facilitation Reflection

My reflection on digital facilitation involved pondering complexities after reviewing the Unit 1 readings. Using the 3-2-1 approach, I will share my 3 initial thoughts, 2 questions, and 1 metaphor on digital facilitation….