Welcome to The Link
Welcome to the School of Education and Technology
The Link is the first step on your journey through the RRU Master of Arts in Learning and Technology, or Diploma in Learning and Technology, program. Our goal is for you to gain some understanding about the program, the university, and each other, prior to starting your first course (LRNT521).
The MALAT and DipLAT programs use WordPress for the course sites, and each course site has a companion Moodle shell. The course WordPress site is the course – it is where the course schedule, readings, activities and course blog are located. The Moodle shell is where you will upload your assignments and will receive your feedback and grades. You may also use the Moodle discussion forums in some courses in the program. Each of you will receive your own instance of WordPress site in your first course (LRNT 521) but for this initial The Link experience we will be using a combination of The Link WordPress site and its companion Moodle site discussion forums.
It is our expectation that you will have completed all activities in The Link according to the dates set out in the Schedule. You must complete The Link prior to being able to start your first course.
Your online host for The Link is Marlene Ryan, Program Associate. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask, and chances are several others have a similar question so we invite you to post it in the Ask Us Anything: Program Office Q & A forum in Moodle so that all can benefit from her response.
You can learn more about Marlene, and meet the rest of the people in our School, through the videos in the Media Gallery.

You can contact us at:
Marlene Ryan, Program Associate
Samantha Wood, School Manager
Elizabeth Childs, Program Head
Robin Mueller, Interim School Director
Brigitte Harris, Dean
We invite you to join us/follow us via our social media sites:
The Link is shared under Creative Commons Licensing in the hopes you will use, remix, and share relevant aspects. However, when you make modifications and changes to the content, please attribute the original ownership of the materials. The Link is attributed to: The Link, Dr. Jo Axe, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.